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Fitness Activities with music support

Treatment of the music applied to the physical fitness/wellness activities, as well as postural control and risk prevention in this type of activities.

Professional Family AFD

Course Dates

September 4 and 5, 2018

Course Schedules
Duration and schedule

14 Hours of Presence

9.30 – 14.30 h

14:00 – 18:00 H



Other related activities
AFD-Physical and sporting activities, AGA-agrarian, COM-commerce and Marketing, ELE-Electricity and electronics, ENA-Energy and water, EOC-building and Civil works, HOT-Hospitality and tourism, IFC-informatics and Communications, IMA-Installation and maintenance, IMS- Image and sound, SAN-health, TMV-transport and maintenance of vehicles, Transversal
AFD - Physical and Sports Activities, AGA - Agriculture, Axis - Digital Transformation, ELE - Electricity and Electronics, HOT - Hotels and Tourism, IMP - Personal Image, INA - Food Industries, QUI - Chemistry, SAN - Health, SSC - Sociocultural and Community Services, TCP - Textile, Clothing and Leather, Digital Transformation of the Productive Sectors, etc.