25 Oct CIFPA's feedback about EVSW held in Helsinki - October 2019
It was a very intensive week and a great opportunity to receive substantial input on the current issues related to...
It was a very intensive week and a great opportunity to receive substantial input on the current issues related to...
CIFPA was invited by Joao Santos (Deputy Head of Unit in the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and...
Councillor Felipe Faci attended the Conference "Innovation in VET in a digital world" in which...
Aragon, the State Public Employment Service and the Ministry of Education approve the cIFPA's multiannual action plan...
Aragon, the State Public Employment Service and the Ministry of Education approve the cIFPA's multiannual action plan...
The Government of Aragon has participated today in the first edition of the event ' tomorrow starts today ', which is held in...
Last vacancies in activities from 5 to 13 September 2019 Take this opportunity! Registration deadline...
Lists of admitted/as are published to the training activities to be developed from June 24 to 28, 2019...
We present you the offer of specific courses by professional families programmed for the weeks of the 24 to the 28 of June and...
The Minister of Labor, Magdalena Valerio, has been able to know firsthand the work that develops the innovation center...
It is presented the 4th of this meeting point between the companies of the health and biotechnology sector of Aragon and...
Next April 10th will be held the 4th edition of the Course of Internal Auditor ISO9001:2015 AENOR with an offer...